How to change regional settings per user в Windows 2012 R2?

To change regional settings including short date, long date, short time, long time, first day of week for specific user please do the following :
  1. Click on Start.
  2. Type "Control Panel", and pclick on "Control Panel" icon
    SwissInfoCloud Change date and time settings / date and time - control panel.jpg
  3. In "Control Panel" find and click on line "Change date, time, or number formats
    Change date and time settings/date and time - control panel change date time or number formats.jpg
  4. In "Region" window, "Formats" tab, choose desired preset in field "Format", for example "Russian (Russia) and choose more precioos formats. You can see example in the bottom.
    Change date and time settings/date and time - region settings.jpg
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