Export and Import .pst file in Outlook


Export archive

You need to go: File --> Open & Export --> Import/Export

Export to a file

Outlook Data File (.pst)

Next, select MailBox for export Archive (You must do this action for each MailBox)

Making the archive name as mailbox (Important! Then to understand what to attach). And remember way to archive (usually it \Documents\Mail\ ).
Choose --> Replace duplicates with items exported.

Password not required.


Import archive

To attach archive in Outlook you need to go: File --> Options --> Account Setings --> Account Setings

Data Files --> Add

And choise archive file (in format .pst)

As a result, the archive will appear with the mail.

Delet mailbox

To delete a mailbox: File --> Account Setings --> Account Setings.


Make sure you have made the archive of the mailbox you are deleting, and press  "Yes".

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